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Health and safety

The company considers essentials the objectives of safety, health of its staff and environmental protection and that the respect of safety and health standards sets up, at the same time, the least but irrevocable condition of legitimacy of the production processes and an instrument of rationalization of efficiency of the company's organization.


Company's commitment is formalized through the evaluation risk document where precautionary measures for workers' safety and health and environment protection are elaborated.

The company service for prevention and protection elaborates a document strictly connected to evaluation risk called FORMATION, INFORMATION AND TRAINING PROGRAM which provides for company figures divided into charged managers, workers and employees an educational path which starts from acceptance to continuous formation through three monthly meetings.

The open dialogue and mutual collaboration between our HSE and the service of client companies gave life to a productive exchange of information directed not only to legal duties between client and contractor but also to a common quality improvement of work in terms of safety, health and environment.


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Award 2013

Qualified constructor for public works SOA

Certificate of qualification to the execution of public works.

Award 2011

UNI EN ISO 9001:2008

Certificate of quality.

Award 2013

ISO 9001:2008

Certificate of Quality Management System.


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